Tree Planting Services

Tree Planting Services Landscapers

Many people hire tree planting services because trees are an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to increase your home’s resale value and improve your neighborhood’s curb appeal. Trees provide a habitat for wildlife and shade for your home, which can lower the cost of air conditioning. If you plant fruit trees, you can save a trip to the grocery store with a snack from your backyard!

But like most home improvement ideas, planting trees require planning and maintenance. Most trees will last over 50 years so it is important to select the right type of tree for your home. There are many factors beyond appearance and size that the average homeowner can forget to consider. That’s why it is advisable to hire tree planting services that can help you plan the details.

One of the most important factors is something you can’t see: the roots. A tree planting service is knowledgeable in digging the proper sized hole and implementing the right planting methods. Trees vary in growth pattern, so it may take an expert to estimate how far apart you should plant your trees. The trees must also accommodate other objects on your property, such as rooftops, fencing, lampposts, and yard décor.

A tree planting service will help you decide what trees are appropriate for your environment, soil type, and aesthetic and practical preferences. Do you want a tree that changes with the seasons? What trees provide the most privacy for your backyard? A tree planting service can provide consultation as well as the actual planting. They specialize in optimal selections that consider your climate and common pests in your area.

A quick consultation before your first tree-planting project is worth the investment. Once you learn the basics, you can continue to renovate your lawn using your own expertise. You can hire a landscaper in minutes using TalkLocal’s easy online form. Just state your service need, availability, and location to find high quality landscaping services in your region.

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