How Much to Rent a Limo for Prom?

 How Much to Rent a Limo for Prom? - Limo Rental

How Much to Rent a Limo for Prom

Prom, and the events surrounding it, is often the highlight of a kid’s high school career. If you’re looking to make the most of your prom night, then check out these top 10 things to make prom great. Everything should be perfect for this occasion, from the pre-prom dinner to the corsage, all down to the transportation. Transportation is especially important, as it seems nearly every high school student rents limousines for their prom night. If you’re one such student, you may be asking yourself how much you should pay to rent a limo for prom. There is no quick answer for this question. This depends completely upon you and your limousine mates.

Things to Keep in Mind When Renting a Limo for Prom

If you want to arrive at your prom in style, renting an elegant limousine may be on your mind. Generally, prices depend on the number of people in your limousine and the amount of time you require the limo to be present.

If you want to rent a stretch limo, costs can range from roughly $70-$110 per hour plus gratuity (which is usually around 10-20% of the total cost). A stretch limo is usually a stretched sedan that allows more legroom per passenger. These types of limos can usually hold around six to eight people depending on the degree of stretching. If you prefer a luxury SUV, these will generally cost a little bit more, usually in the $90-$150 per hour price range. These types of limos are ideal for groups of six or more (depending on the design) and are an even more awesome way of showing up at your high school prom.

Overall prices start going up depending on how many people you want your limousine to hold. Of course, this also means the price per person will be changing as well. Sometimes, having a larger limousine with more people can end up being cheaper per person. If you’re looking to rent a limo, the best way to do so would be to find out who would be interested in going in your limousine and then booking the rental as soon as possible. This may result in a reduced price if you book it early enough, and you won’t have to worry about any transportation issues until your prom.

Additional Help

All in all, renting a limo for your prom is an easy thing to do, and it can be fairly inexpensive if you do it early enough. If you’re interested in booking a limousine, consider using TalkLocal to find a reputable limousine rental company for you, as well as how much it would cost to rent a limo. TalkLocal is a free service that will connect you with top-quality, limo rental companies in your neighborhood within minutes. Just enter in your specific problem, location and availability, and up to three companies will call YOU directly.

6 Responses to “How Much to Rent a Limo for Prom?”

  1. Phillip Price says:

    While some limousines are owned by individuals, many are owned by governments to transport senior politicians, by large companies to transport executives, and by broadcasters to transport guests. Most stretch limousines, however, operate as livery vehicles, providing upmarket competition to taxicabs. To get more visit:

  2. Tyler agent says:

    Thanks for the post, and I always jealous of the kids that rented limos in Vancouver for the prom. But now that I’m older, and look back on it. I’m glad that I never got a limo, because that’s a lot of money to spend for one night.

  3. Suzi Kyle says:

    Awesome blog.

  4. Sara Williams says:

    Thanks for posting.

  5. Roy Johnson says:

    Thanks for sharing. I really like it.

  6. Claire says:

    Great Article! Prom season is when demand for limousines goes way up. The article is good at pointing out that reservations in advance are much better and would probably result in a better deal for limo service.

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