My Dog Keeps Throwing Up

My Dog Keeps Throwing Up - Veterinarians

If you notice that your dog keeps throwing up, it is important that you figure out the cause as soon as possible. There are several possible reasons why your dog keeps throwing up.

Why Your Dog Keeps Throwing Up

If your dog throws up just once and seems okay after, it is probably just the result of it eating something it wasn’t supposed to, such as chocolate, grapes, or even washing detergent. It could also be the result of allergies, excessive eating, heat, or dehydration. Usually, with the right care, you can get your dog back to good health quickly. Just monitor what it is eating, make sure it is getting enough water, and make sure to keep it away from table food and other dangerous items. If you think your dog isn’t digesting its current food well, you could try changing up its diet to a formula for sensitive stomachs or one with less grain to avoid any further complications. If you think the vomiting may be caused by overeating or eating too quickly, make its meals a little smaller and try to feed it in small handfuls at a time.

Other Possible Causes

If your dog continues throwing up and doesn’t seem to want to eat or drink anything after, your dog may be sick and may need additional care. If your dog is throwing up multiple times for an extended number of days, or if it is showing signs of illness, fever, or is even throwing up blood, this can indicate a serious problem. You will be best off visiting a vet as soon as possible.

Additional Help

Use TalkLocal to locate a veterinarian near you. TalkLocal is a free service that will connect you with top-quality, reputable professionals in your neighborhood, within minutes. Simply enter in your dog’s symptoms, your location, and your schedule availability and TalkLocal will contact multiple veterinarians who will then call YOU directly, ready to help.

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