Fertilize Oak Trees

Fertilize Oak Trees - Landscapers

Taking care of your oak tree will ensure its health and longevity. Some fertilizers are good for oak trees, but they can damage the environment. Harsh industrial chemicals found in fertilizers usually contain an herbicide and can distress the surrounding wildlife. When picking a fertilizer, try to purchase one that is as natural as possible—or your tree can fertilize itself! Keep reading to find out how to fertilize oak trees the natural and healthy way.

Using Composting to Fertilize Oak Trees

Compost is defined as decaying organic matter that can be used as fertilizer. It is like nature’s own recycling system. Start a compost heap by your oak tree. Try to grind or cut up the compost into small pieces so that the oak tree can easily absorb the nutrients.  Appropriate compost material includes:



-Some animal manure (cow, poultry, rabbit, horse)

-Fruit rinds

-Lawn clippings

Do not compost:

-Cat and dog manure



-Diseased plants

Oak Tree Litter

The oak tree litter- including leaves, branches, and oak wood chips- is great for the tree. Leave the oak tree’s natural mulch underneath the tree. Oak leaf litter naturally falls to the ground and provides nutrients for the tree while supporting many microorganisms. The microorganisms in the oak litter protect the tree from fungal diseases. Simply weed around your oak tree regularly to ensure that weeds do not take away water and nutrients from the tree. Overall, oak tree litter is great, helping the tree absorb water and nutrients while protecting the tree from diseases.

Further Assistance

Natural fertilizers are the best choice for oak trees. Have a professional landscaper examine your oak tree to determine what is best. TalkLocal can help connect you with quality landscapers in your local area. We will connect you with up to three professionals in just minutes.

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