How To Prevent Tree Diseases

How To Prevent Tree Diseases - Tree Removal

Trees, like all plants, occasionally become infected with pathogens which cause them to become ill. Many of these pathogens can cause severe damage to once-healthy trees, sometimes killing or permanently disfiguring them in the process. However, you don’t have to stand by and watch your trees wither away. Here’s how to prevent tree diseases.

Clean Your Tools

If your tools have come into contact with soil, are coated with rust, or have been used on other plants previously, make sure to properly clean and disinfect them before using them again. Soil and residual plant sap may harbor parasites, bacteria, and viruses that can make your trees sick. Remove all debris with soap and water and soak tool blades in either isopropyl alcohol or a bleach solution. Make sure to repeat the sterilization process before working on another tree with the same tools.

Use Sharp Tools

If you’ve ever used dull pruners or shears, you’ve probably seen how the blades tend to crush the wood instead of cut it. When this happens, it’s much harder for the tree to heal, and healthy new growth is disrupted. On the other hand, using sharp tools gives a nice, clean cut that heals quickly and is less likely to be attacked by pests and pathogens.

Proper Feeding

Some tree types, especially fast-growing varieties and fruit-bearers, require huge amounts of nutrients in order to stay healthy. Like people and animals, malnourished trees are more vulnerable to not only pests, but also diseases. Therefore, it’s important to provide heavy feeders with regular fertilization. Purchase a plant food that is designed for your particular type of tree.

Bandaging Wounds

When removing large branches from trees, keep in mind that doing so creates a wound. Its delicate inner tissues are left exposed to hoards of insects, viruses, and bacteria just waiting to attack. Closing up these wounds speeds healing for the tree and makes it less likely for diseases to occur. It’s recommended that you use either spray paint or a specialized tree sealer to do this.

Need To Remove A Diseased Tree?

Lush, green, and disease-free trees are lovely things to behold, but keeping them that way takes some work. Use TalkLocal to locate a professional tree service near you that will be able to advise you on how to properly prevent diseases, or remove a diseased tree. Talk Local will connect you with the right professionals, in just minutes.

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