How to Plan for a Power Outage

How to Plan for a Power Outage Electricians

Power outages are some of the hardest things to prepare for. You could be enjoying air conditioning and television one minute, then scrambling in the dark to find the flashlight the next. Being prepared is the best defense against a loss of power. Read on for tips for how to plan for a power outage.

First things first: if power goes out, you are going to want to have all your necessary supplies in one location. Keeping a backpack full of emergency supplies is the best way to go. This backpack should include a few days worth of nonperishable food and water, a first-aid kit, medication, a fully-charged prepaid phone, a radio, and flashlights. Keep this backpack in an accessible and memorable area. The last thing you would want to happen is to store all your necessities in one place and forget that location.

Knowing where your flashlights are is a must. If you’re without power during nighttime, maneuvering around safely becomes an encumbrance, let alone trying to survive. Having different types of flashlights (battery-powered, solar-powered, wind-up, etc.) is strongly recommended.

Keeping your food safe and cool without power may be difficult, but it can be done. Open your fridge only when absolutely necessary to preserve the cold temperature. To keep your freezer cold, place plastic containers nearly filled with water (with enough space to account for water expansion) and place these wherever there is space in your freezer. This helps keep food cold while minimizing the air in your freezer at the same time.

No one likes losing their power, but by following these steps, you can ensure your time without power is far more manageable.

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